A name that is substituted for a more complicated name. For example, a simple alias may be used instead of a more complicated mailing address or for a mailing list.
A small, temporary Java program distributed within a Web page. See "Java."
Where the Internet began; the Advanced Research Projects Agency (of the U.S. Department of Defense) computer network that was the forerunner of the Internet.
The American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a standard way for computers to use bits and bytes to represent characters. An ASCII file contains simple text without any special formatting codes.
A graphical representation of a person in a chat room. The word comes from Hindu mythology in which spirits come down and inhabit bodies.
A network through which other, smaller networks are connected.
Baud Rate
A measurement of how quickly a modem transfers data. Although, strictly speaking, this is not the same as bits per second, the two terms are often used interchangeably.
Bits Per Second (BPS)
A measure of the speed of data transmission; the number of bits of data that can be transmitted each second.
A client software program used to search networks, retrieve copies of files and display them in an easy-to-read, often graphical, format. Browsers such as Netscape Navigator and MicrosoftInternet Explorer are used to access information on the World Wide Web.
Bulletin Board System (BBS)
A computer system to which other computers can connect so their users can read and leave messages, or retrieve and leave files.
A standard storage measurement of computer data. One byte equals approximately one ASCII character.
A program that connects computers on a network for instantaneous, multi-way communication. People who use chat can type messages for delivery to a server, which displays the messages instantly so that users who are logged on to the chat service can respond immediately. On the Internet, chat is sometimes referred to as Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
A software program that provides access to network resources by working with information stored on a server.
A cookie is a small text file sent to your computer by certain Web servers. They are used to uniquely identify your browser each time you visit the page.
Compressed File
Computer files that have been reduced in size by a compression program. Such programs are available for all computer systems.
A term coined by author William Gibson. It describes the imaginary space in which computer users travel when "surfing" the Internet.
In UNIX, a program running all the time in the "background" (that is, unseen by users), providing special services when required. An example of a daemon is biff, which lets you know when mail arrives.
Dedicated Line
A telephone line that is leased from the telephone company and used for one purpose only. In the early days of the Internet, it was a line dedicated to a server.
Dial-in Direct Connection
An Internet connection that is accessed by dialing in to a computer through a telephone line. Once connected, your computer acts as if it were an Internet host. This type of service is often called SLIP, CSLIP or PPP.
Dial-up Service
A common Internet term for a dial-on terminal connection.
Domain Names
A name given to a host computer on the Internet. E-mail names are good examples of domain names (i.e., anyname@sprynet.com).
The process of transferring information from one computer to another. You download a file from another computer to yours.
Discussion Board
A forum on a Web site for the discussion of a specific topic or set of related topics.
Electronic Mail (e-mail)
A means of sending typed messages from one computer to another, over a network.
Emoticons, or smileys :-) , are used to convey emotion. The expressions and inflections of voice we use to convey emotion, irony, sarcasm, etc. when talking are lost when communicating over the Internet. To make up for that, a system of symbols has developed which uses common keyboard marks.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
An area or document dedicated to answering common questions.
File Transport Protocol (FTP)
A service for moving an electronic file of any type from one computer to another over the Internet.
Flame Mail
An excessively angry or rancorous message, generally containing personal insults, sent through e-mail.
Someone who writes flame mail. Flamee should be obvious.
The dedicated area where people come together to discuss issues, hobbies, or news. Also called newsgroups.
Software provided free by its originator. See shareware.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
A standard graphics format used to display images on Web pages and other documents.
An Internet service for locating and delivering electronic files. The Gopher interface includes a directory tree and a set of menus which can be used for exploring the Internet and downloading files.
Home Page
The opening page of a World Wide Web document, sometimes called the welcome page.
A computer connected directly to the Internet. A service provider's computer is a host.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
A standard computer code used to make files readable by browsers on the World Wide Web.
A code which contains an "address," which when clicked, will take you to that address.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
The protocol that forms the basis of World Wide Web technology. HTTP is the set of rules governing the software that transports hyperlinked files along the Internet.
The world-wide collection of networks linked together using a common protocol.
Internet Protocol (IP)
The standard protocol used by systems communicating across the Internet.
IP Address
A digital code that precisely locates a computer connected to the Internet.
Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
A software tool that makes it possible to hold real-time keyboard conversations online.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
A company that provides a connection to the Internet. Service providers sell access to the network. Services offered differ between ISPs.
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
Large bandwidth telephone line. Allows you to transfer information quickly.
A programming language that allows Web servers to distribute small programs temporarily. These programs (see "Applets") usually perform simple tasks within the Web browser.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
A commonly used compression technique for graphics images on the Internet.
KB (Kilobyte)
A standard unit of measurement for computer data. One KB is equal to 1,024 bytes.
An action that can be taken in Usenet to exclude certain words, phrases, subjects, or even specific individual posters, from the list of messages displayed on your screen.
Local Area Network (LAN)
The regional server or servers your computer is connected to. These in turn are connected to other servers creating a network in your office, home, etc.
Mailing list that acts as a newsgroup. Messages sent to a listserv address are sent to everyone who has subscribed to the list. Responses are sent back to the listserv address.
Local File
A file stored on the hard disk of your computer, as opposed to a file stored on an Internet server or some other remote computer
Reading chat, forum, newsgroup or listserv messages without responding to them.
MB (Megabyte)
A standard measurement of computer data. One MB equals 1,024 kilobytes.
A device that converts digital signals from your computer into analog signals for transmission through a phone line, and vice versa (called demodulation).
Multi-User Domain (MUD)
A game or simulation in which multiple participants can engage simultaneously through their connections to the same Internet server.
Internet etiquette, the correct form of behavior to be used while working on the Internet and Usenet. It can be summed up as, "Don't waste computer resources and don't be rude."
An individual new to the Internet. Used with both affection and malice--depending on whether you're being welcomed or being flamed.
Open forums or electronic bulletin boards on the Internet, where readers can share information, ideas, tips, and opinions with each other.
Connected. You are online if you are working on your computer while it is connected to a network. Your printer is online if it is connected to your computer and ready to accept data.
A small application that works with your Web browser to perform a specific task.
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
A protocol that allows a computer to use the TCP/IP (Internet) protocols (and become a full-fledged Internet member) with a standard telephone line and a high-speed modem. PPP is a new standard for this which replaces SLIP.
Generally, port refers to the hardware through which computer data is transmitted; the plugs on the back of your computer are ports. On the Internet, port often refers to a particular application. For instance, you might telnet to a particular port on a particular host. The port is actually an application.
A message sent to a newsgroup or the act of sending such a message.
The person at a host who is responsible for managing the mail system. If you need information about a user at a particular host, you can usually send e-mail to the postmaster at postmaster@hostname.
A set of rules computer programmers apply when writing code for a specific software. Computers and networks interact according to standard protocols, which determine the behavior that each side of a network connection expects from the other side.
A search question that has been asked in a manner the computer's database system can understand and use.
Remote Computer
A computer located somewhere else along a network as, for example, the computer containing the online catalog of your local public library. Remote is a relative term, relative, that is, to the computer immediately at hand (the local computer). A remote computer can actually be located within the same room, or it can be halfway around the world.
A system used to transmit data between two computer systems or networks using the same protocol.
Search Engine
A tool which matches key words you enter with titles and descriptions on the Internet. It then displays the matches allowing you to easily locate a subject.
Secure Transaction Technology (STT)
Technology developed by software companies and credit companies to protect financial dealings over the Internet and prevent fraud.
Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP)
A protocol that allows a computer to use the Internet protocols (and become a full-fledged Internet member) with a standard telephone line and a high-speed modem. SLIP is being superseded by PPP, but is still in common use.
A computer or its software that "serves" other computers by administering network files and network operations. Three types of Internet servers are Web servers, e-mail servers, and Gopher servers.
Software that is freely distributed, but the author expects payment from people who decide to keep and use it.
Sig File
A short piece of text transmitted with an e-mail or newsgroup message. Some systems can attach text from a file to the end of a message automatically. Signature files contain detailed information on how to contact someone.
see Serial Line Internet Protocol
A symbol in e-mail and newsgroup messages used to convey emotion, or simply amusement. Create smileys by typing various keyboard characters. For example, :-) means happiness. See also, Emoticon.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
One method a computer uses to send e-mail from one computer to another. Other methods include Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) and Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM).
Audio or video transfer of signals in digital form. It is then downloaded on your computer and played back using various tools.
Navigating the Internet by following hyperlinks from one Web site or page to another.
T1 Line
A line connecting a computer to a high-speed, high-bandwidth, digital electronic communication carrier.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
A set of protocols (communications rules) that control how data is transferred between computers on the Internet.
An Internet protocol used for logging on to a remote computer, as well as the software that implements it. Telnet makes all Internet hosts appear to the user as if they use the same techniques for presenting information on screen and the same commands for performing tasks (such as typing and editing commands).
Organized according to thread, or line of discussion, in a newsgroup or on a discussion board. A thread is a more or less continuous chain of postings on a single topic.
A computer operating system. Most hosts connected to the Internet run UNIX.
The process of transferring information from one computer to another. For example, you upload a file from your computer to another.
Universal Resource Locator (URL)
The address path of a World Wide Web file.
The "user's network." It is synonymous with Newsgroups.
Virtual Reality (VR)
A simulated three-dimensional environment, displayed in real time with interactive capabilities. VR applications have been developed for the World Wide Web, although the technology is still at an early stage.
A program that uses various techniques for duplicating itself and traveling between computers. Viruses vary from harmless nuisances to serious problems that can cause millions of dollars' worth of damage.
Virtual Reality Mark-up Language (VRML)
Protocol language which allows 3-D representation of graphics. Chat rooms are increasingly using VRML to represent chatters graphically with avatars.
see World Wide Web
Web Page
A single screen on a Web site.
Web Site
The location of published hypertext content. Physically, a Web site can occupy an entire Web server or a part of a server; or it can be spread out among different servers as long as its sections are all linked, directly or indirectly, to the same home page.
World Wide Web (WWW)
The newest medium of the Internet. Based on hypertext, the Web provides a quick and easy method of delivering and receiving information files which are read by a browser. The Webs ability to transfer files containing not just text but also graphics, sound, and video makes it the most versatile of all the Internet services.
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
Pronounced "wizziwig," it is a generic term meaning what you see on your screen is what is going to print out on your printer.
X Windows Protocol
A network terminal standard developed at MIT that enables a user to run and display multiple network applications at the same time.
Electronic magazines, published on the Internet.