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Click the video below that you wish to view. It make take a few seconds to launch the video. Make sure your speaker is on and volume up, so you can hear the narration.0 Arial(l N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\004.exeBitmap Button 1Bitmap Button 1Bitmap Button 1..\lmvideos\005.exeBitmap Button 3Bitmap Button 3Bitmap Button 3<"Manually" pairing teams)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\006.exeBitmap Button 4Bitmap Button 4Bitmap Button 4<(Setting course(s) to play and tee-times)  Arial(PlayW N@ N 34,/<2 Scheduling Arial(i N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\007.exeBitmap Button 5Bitmap Button 5Bitmap Button 5<>Inserting a tournament, position night, etc into the schedule)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/<2 Handicapping Arial(M N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\011.exeBitmap Button 6Bitmap Button 6Bitmap Button 6<7How to see how a golfer's handicap is being calculated)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\009.exeBitmap Button 7Bitmap Button 7Bitmap Button 7<'Stroke Control (What is it all about?))  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\010.exeBitmap Button 8Bitmap Button 8Bitmap Button 8<2Establishing an initial handicap for your golfers)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\008.exeBitmap Button 9Bitmap Button 9Bitmap Button 9<(Setting up how handicaps are calculated)  Arial(Play. N@ N 34,/<2Points Arial( N@ N 34,/<2Views and Reports Arial([ N@ N 34,/<2 Common Tasks Arial(Cj N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\013.exeBitmap Button 10Bitmap Button 10Bitmap Button 10<9Setting up how League Manager automatically award points)  Arial(PlayX& N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\012.exeBitmap Button 11Bitmap Button 11Bitmap Button 11<0How can you "manually" enter points for special)  Arial(PlayR N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\002.exeBitmap Button 12Bitmap Button 12Bitmap Button 12<6Creating a custom view (See only what you want to see)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\003.exeBitmap Button 13Bitmap Button 13Bitmap Button 13<Creating a custom report)  Arial(Play!gT N@ N 34,/<2/situations that League Manager cannot automate? Arial($T N@ N 34,/<2on the main screen) Arial(r N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\014.exeBitmap Button 14Bitmap Button 14Bitmap Button 14<(Changing the order of players on a team)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\017.exeBitmap Button 15Bitmap Button 15Bitmap Button 15<'How can I automatically flight players)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/<2 Miscellaneous Arial(U N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\016.exeBitmap Button 16Bitmap Button 16Bitmap Button 16<How to handle a "split" season)  Arial(Playl N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\015.exeBitmap Button 17Bitmap Button 17Bitmap Button 17<How to handle a rainout)  Arial(Play)! N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\001.exeBitmap Button 18Bitmap Button 18Bitmap Button 18<1Transferring golfers from one league to another )  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\020.exeBitmap Button 2Bitmap Button 2Bitmap Button 2<'Making a substitution (Basic Overview))  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\023.exeBitmap Button 19Bitmap Button 19Bitmap Button 19<0Substitution (Player plays for missing partner))  Arial(Playa N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\022.exeBitmap Button 20Bitmap Button 20Bitmap Button 20<:Avoid substitutions, post same score for multiple matches)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\021.exeBitmap Button 21Bitmap Button 21Bitmap Button 21<(Overriding "automatic" points or scores)  Arial(PlayT N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\024.exeBitmap Button 22Bitmap Button 22Bitmap Button 22<6Things you can do in LM...that you may not know about)  Arial(Playc N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\018.exeBitmap Button 23Bitmap Button 23Bitmap Button 23<;How to replace a player that has dropped out of the league)  Arial(Play>> N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\019.exeBitmap Button 24Bitmap Button 24Bitmap Button 24<3Moving leagues (data) from one computer to another)  Arial(Play N@ N 34,/(..\lmvideos\025.exeBitmap Button 25Bitmap Button 25Bitmap Button 25