Tip: Did you know there is a tutorial video that may answer your question. 1. Put your CDROM in 2. Click Tutorial Videos, click Tournament Manager 3. Run the "" video. ======================================== Did you know you can find answers to our most frequently asked question on our website. Plus online videos that let you "see and hear how to do our most commonly asked questions" 1. Go to www.golfsoftware.com 2. Click "Tech Support" under "Current Customers" ======================================== Tip: Did you know there is an online tutorial video that may answer your question. 1. Go to www.golfsoftware.com 2. Click Tech Support 3. Click Tournament Manager 4. "Help Videos - See and hear how to do something" 5. Run the "Create a custom view (See only what you want to see on the main screen)" video. Create a custom view (See only what you want to see on the main screen) Creating a custom report. Exporting views or reports to your website or Excel. Moving golfers and tournaments (data) from one computer to another. How can I build TWO or more sets of pairings automatically within the same tournament? How can I manually set flights and build teams for any situation? ======================================== Things you can do in TM that you may not know about. *type golfer's name or ID# to move to that golfer *Use keys only to enter card..type name, +, enter card + to close. *Change values for multiple player *Highlight many golfer to put on a team, cart, flight anything. *Mark all players in skins *Sort your view by any item. *Drag golfers from one team to another. *Resize columns..temporarly hide a column/row or multiple rows in a report. *Ctrl X to remove text from a report...or from entire column *Drag over multiple columns to resize multiple columns. *Copy screen shot of score card to web/word ======================================= How can I automatically flight golfers See LM Signing up players in a tournament Building Teams manually ===PRE-TOURNAMENT Activities====== How to enter a blind draw How do I get TM to automatically build "complete" even teams with an odd number of golfers? Building Teams Automatically (insert a blind draw) How to navigate through the program. Speed keys to highlight and change mulitple values..How can I find golfers quickly and change information for multiple golfers quickly? Import/Exporting data from/to Handiap Systems How do I update (transfer) golfers from Handicap System to Tournament Manager? How can I see exactly how a golfer's "Tournament Handicap" is calculated? 4 -Automatically flighting players How can I assign flights manually? Building Teams manually based on previous results Building Teams manually based on "anything" ===POST-TOURNAMENT ACTIVITIES===== Entering scorecards Handicapping Players (Scheid/Peoria) Running a point (stableford) tournamnet Running a quota point tournament How do I post scores for a scramble, and print out scramble results? How do you run a skins competition? How can I see exactly how tie breaks are done? ===View and Reports==== 1 -Creating a custom view (See only what you want to see on the screen) 2 -Creating a custom report 3 -Exporting views or reports to the web or Excel ====COMMON TASKS======= **-Changing the order of players on a team **Printing Results ======MISCELLANEOUS======= 024-Things you can do...that you may not know about 018-How to handle a golfer that has dropped out of a multi-round tournamnet How to set teetimes (Reverse order)..front/back How to flight golfers based on previous round How to make 3some go off first FAQ * How many tournaments can TM run in one given day?