Happy Birthday Dan!!!

In 1996, we set off to enjoy what we thought was going to be a relaxing and enjoyable Buffalo Bills game...with a relative from above the border - Dan O'dell...

The day started out much like every other Bills game we've gone to...driving to the game (which Dan didn't do), setting everything up(which Dan didn't help with), cooking the food (which Dan didn't help with either) and simply enjoying the moment(which Dan did ALOT of!!!!)

And then the "Dan" factor kicked in...

A little while after settling in, playing parking-lot football, eating some food and enjoying the roaring fire, Dan informed us that he had lost his ticket and we needed to come up with one more ticket. Since Dan only had Canadian currency, we were in a tough situation. We initially tried to leverage the kindness of others, but we quickly realized that wasn't working...

Since no one was willing to part with a ticket for Canadian currency, Dan came up with his next best plan..."Let's entertain the people in exchange for a ticket to the game"... Because we knew he was in a fragile state, we all agreed to give it a try. As you can see, Dan was the ONLY one enjoying this La-Z-Boy BBQ...

After several hours of standing around hoping that his plan would furnish a ticket, hypothermia began to set-in in Dan's lower extremities. You would figure a guy from Canada would understand the cold weather and dress appropriately??? Well, Dan could only take the cold for so long and the his second best plan of the day kicked in...I'll just sit here on this chair in the fire to warm up...

Believe it or not, not much of the above is true...We had a great time with Dan and he would be more than welcome to come back with us to a Bills game(except the Orchard Park Police Department have a restraining order against him due to some issue with a hot-dog vender--I'm not really sure about the story behind that one...you'll have to ask him...

And a special treat for those wondering...