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Area Maps   |   Driving Directions

655 Gallup Road Spencerport, New York 14559    •    Phone: (585)352-5500

Area Map


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Driving Directions

From Greece:
    West on Route 104 (Ridge Road), approximately one mile past Hinckleyville road, turn left onto Gallup Rd. continue south over the canal bridge, turn right into Arrowhead.

From Rochester:
    West on Route 531 to the end, turn right onto Washington st., left lane, turn left at light onto Route 31 (Brockport - Spencerport Rd) Approximately 1.3 miles turn right onto Gallup rd., approximately ¾ of a mile, just before the bridge, turn left into Arrowhead.

From Churchville:
    North on North Main st. to Dewey, turn right onto Dewey and then left onto Hubbell. Take Hubbell to the end as Route 31 (Brockport - Spencerport Rd); turn left and approximately ¼ of a mile turn right onto Gallup rd., approximately ¾ of a mile, just before the bridge, turn left into Arrowhead.

From Brockport:
    East on Route 31 (Brockport - Spencerport Rd), just after the curve turn left onto Gallup rd., continue approximately ¾ of a mile, just before the bridge, turn left into Arrowhead.

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