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We would like to introduce you to Arrowhead Golf Club's staff...

655 Gallup Road Spencerport, New York 14559    •    Phone: (585)352-5500
Dale & Peggy Wohlers
President & Vice President (Owners)

        Dale has been in the golf course business since 1960, when his family built another area golf course. In 1974 that course was sold and the construction of Arrowhead began. Arrowhead Golf Club opened its first 9 holes in Sept. of 1976 and 9 more the following year. Dale was instrumental in the construction and still helps with the ongoing maintenance and changes of the course. His wife Peggy has been helping in different capacities for over 30 years.
        In 1986, Dale and Peggy purchased the course from other family members and have been operating it since that time. They strive to give the customer a quality course with a helpful friendly staff. Dale and Peggy spend the winter months in Florida, and arrive north just before we open for the season. Their children have each had involvement with the course over the years, making Arrowhead not only a family friendly course, but also a family run course. Their son, Scott, still holds the Superintendent job at the course today, while their daughter, Teri, worked in virtually every position on the course before moving to Florida with her husband Jamie and their son Bradley.
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Scott Wohlers

        Scott has been involved in the golf industry since he was born. When he was a child his parents would strap his car seat on a golf cart and drive him around the course. He had a special seat on the mowers and would ride around with his mother while she mowed. He worked at the course all through high school and college. Scott has a degree in Turf Management from SUNY Cobleskill and became the Assistant Superintendent at Arrowhead upon graduation in May 1993. In the winter of 1994-1995 Scott was promoted to head superintendent. During his first year at Arrowhead, Scott met his future wife Bridget while she worked in the snack bar and pro-shop during summer break from college. Scott and Bridget were married in 1997 and live just minutes away in Spencerport. Since 1993 Scott has been involved with the reconstruction and expansion of Arrowhead, including the redesign and layout of the new holes. Scott makes himself available to the public and can be found on the course daily and his office is located in the maintenance shop.
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